Japanese hairstyles: Traditional and Modern

Japanese hairstyles

Japan is one of the most beautiful countries that is fascinating with its Japanese hairstyles, traditions, and people. Most of the traditions were taken from the Chinese people.

But the Japanese did not copy everything exactly, on the contrary, they changed it beyond recognition so as not to be repeated. They created newer hairstyles and costume styles.

The country where the sun rises has an inspiring historical past. After many years, people began to try to reach out to the ideals of real Western people. If you see female makeup, you can easily determine the race of a person. The most popular style in Japan is the geisha style.

There are several features in Japanese hairstyles

Japanese girls always differ in appearance from the rest, the first idea is a kimono, flower-shaped hairpins, wide-toothed combs, and thick black hair gathered in a geisha style.

Everyone is used to seeing them with long hair, but in everyday life, Japanese women often go with short haircuts. But on holidays they put on a formal outfit and do the usual standard Japanese hairstyles for everyone.

To carry out Japanese hairstyles, you must have traditional accessories:

  • floral studs
  • scallops
  • embellished hairpins
  • hair clips
  • artificial or real flowers
  • origami

The girls do the styling themselves with their own hands, as they got used to this technique from early childhood.

Nowadays, for some girls, Japanese women are exclusive, interesting, and original girls. Their Japanese hairstyles are gaining authority among young people every day.

And often girls, coming to the salon, are asked to repeat some kind of Japanese hairstyles. Using the listed accessories, it is not difficult to repeat the hairstyle.

If you want to stand out among others, striking with your originality, you may need Japanese hairstyles. People who are around will notice your delicate, refined taste, and the first impression will remain good and can be remembered for a long time.

These oriental stylings are universal, they look perfect on any girl. Especially if she wants to highlight her romance. Doing your hair, you will be filled with something magical, and you will be able to attract the stronger sex.

Traditional modern Japanese hairstyles

No hairstyle is complete without special wooden Japanese sticks called kanzashi. In addition to wood, the accessory can be made from bones or a tortoise shell. These types were popular with the Japanese people back in the 17th century.

And to this day, girls, without violating traditions, use them to create styling. No single young lady could come on a solemn day without traditional Japanese hairstyles. In addition, at wedding ceremonies, they are allowed only this hairstyle.

Japanese hairstyles take a lot of time, which means patience. Not every hairdresser can be approached with a styling question. At first glance, the girls understand that this hairstyle is not so easy to do, this technology is one of the most difficult.

Tricks for making Japanese hairstyles

Before you start doing Japanese hairstyles, you need to learn all the tricks. If you do not know this technology, you can not take it.

The first element is a long bang, which must necessarily cover part of the face. The second element is bright hair. The most popular colors are black or red. The third is, of course, asymmetry. Without it, you will not be able to get styling.

If you choose which hair to make a hairstyle, between medium and long – it doesn’t matter, it will turn out on both options. But creating a complex technique on long ones is much easier.

Consider a few simple Japanese options for girls

Standard everyday hairstyles in Japan can be simple. After all, not every day, they spend a lot of time creating a “geisha” style. Among some types, you can highlight the easy ones for yourself, which you can use for a special occasion.

If your hair length allows you to make any of the proposed hairstyles, do not miss the chance. Perhaps she will be the one that has been looking for so long.

Current hairstyles:

  1. Gulka
  2. Anime Style
  3. Laying “geisha”

These hairstyles are the most common among Japanese hairstyles, but there are quite a few other hairstyles.

General recommendations

Japanese women are not customary dye their hair in light colors. Given the natural structure and color, such experiments do not always lead to the expected result, they negatively affect the health of the strands. In the course of bright shades of the fashion spectrum from brilliant black to caramel. Popular red, red.

Most Japanese hairstyles involve the use of hair with an even structure. Curls curl in rare cases. It is customary to combine the option with curls with loose hair, which is not so common.

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