How to take care of your fluffy hair: the best advice

fluffy hair

Fluffy hair is sometimes your best friend, sometimes less… But whatever the case, hair remains both an accessory and a reflection of your health. In conclusion, We must take care of it! Your hair needs the right products and some advice to be on top: follow the guide!

The 5 essential tips for taking care of your Fluffy hair

How to take care of your fluffy hair? Let’s start with the basics! There are a few golden rules for keeping your fluffy hair healthy and beautiful.

  • Golden rule n°1 for beautiful hair: go to the hairdresser at least every 6 weeks to lighten the hair from its dry and split ends.
  • Golden rule n°2 for beautiful hair: invest in the right products: the shampoo-care that corresponds to the nature of your hair; a detangling treatment for hair; a mask… Use a few, but good ones!
  • Golden rule n°3 for beautiful hair: eat well, with sufficient protein intake, and plenty of water. Yes, our hair’s beauty is linked to our body’s health!
  • Golden rule n°4 for beautiful hair: pay close attention to your hair when it’s wet, that’s when it’s most vulnerable.
  • Golden rule n°5 for beautiful hair: choose the right accessories. You brush or comb your hair once or twice a day, no more, with a coarse-toothed comb or a brush with a rubber base (for an antistatic effect) and nylon and silk bristles. The thinner the hair, the more important it is that the bristles are natural. Try leaving your hair free every other day: bobby pins or rubber bands that are too tight can break your hair.

How do I shampoo properly for beautiful fluffy hair?

A big question that often comes up regarding hair care is the frequency of washing. For many, beautiful hair starts with well-washed hair! And it’s true…in a way. Because washing your hair well is not stripping it with the wrong product, but rather paying attention to the frequency of washing and using the right shampoo.

Again, choosing the right hair care products is essential. It is therefore necessary to observe your fluffy hair to choose the right care. For example, know that the body secretes a fat that is permanently deposited on the skin and hair; this fat, sebum, plays an important role in the hydration of the skin as well as in its impermeability. Without sebum, the skin dries out. But that’s what makes your hair greasy …

Take a section of hair. Watch her. Is your hair damaged? Are they dry? Are they dull? Do they have split ends? In all these cases, it is not advisable to wash your hair every day. If you have an oily scalp at the end of the day after washing your hair in the morning; if they are flat and without volume, then a daily shampoo will be necessary…. If you have this problem (an oily scalp and very dry hair, for example), try alternating shampoo and dry shampoo: this will give your hair a bit of a break. Do not hesitate to ask your hairdresser for advice: they always have great tips and advice for hair beauty.

The 5 absolute prohibitions of fluffy hair care…

Be careful, there are good tips for taking care of your fluffy hair … and then there are others! Some of your habits may be harmful to your hair: its hydration, its shine, its structure… and ruin all the efforts you make to have beautiful hair. So for the beauty of the hair, here are 5 things to avoid:

  • Tip #1 for beautiful hair: avoid… using the wrong shampoo. You can’t properly care for your fluffy hair if you don’t know what it needs. Dry hair, fine hair: ask your hairdresser for advice once and for all, he will help you find your hair type.
  • Tip #2 for beautiful hair: avoid… brushing wet hair. Wet hair is more fragile. As a result, by wanting to untangle them when you get out of the shower, you will break them! Always use a conditioner, which will facilitate detangling, and proceed gently, with a wide-toothed comb.
  • Tip #3 for beautiful hair: avoid… rubbing the hair with a towel. It’s a very common bad habit, which weakens the hair. And then, after that, your hair looks “frizzy” and shaggy. For beautiful hair, it is more advisable to cover the hair with a towel and let it dry without touching it for 5 to 10 minutes. Sponge by pressure, without rubbing.
  • Tip #4 for beautiful hair: avoid… postponing going to the hairdresser too much. A haircut is not only good for morale, but it is also good for the health and beauty of your hair. Indeed, over time the ends become split and damaged. Nothing like little scissors to make them disappear and beautify the hair. The right frequency: every 3 months.
  • Tip #5 for beautiful hair: avoid… overusing the straightener. Some even go so far as to pass it on to their hair every day. The problem is that the straightener dries out the hair fiber. Once in a while, it’s fine, but more, your hair may suffer. Protect your hair with a spray before straightening, and limit the straightener to twice a week.
  • Also, read it>>


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