Dating Japanese Girls? 5 facts about them

Japanese girls

If you want to date Japanese girls, then this article is for you.

Western men dating Asian women has been a phenomenon for quite some time.

But Japanese girls are a little different. They are probably closest to Europeans when it comes to their personality and the way society works.

So let’s go over a few things about Japanese girls:

Japanese girls speak little English

This is a minor problem for dating in Japan as a foreigner.

It is rare to meet people in Japan who speak English at a level where you can have a good and deep conversation.

…so you have to learn Japanese.

No, no, that’s an exaggeration. It’s not a must.

Many Japanese girls want to learn English. You can easily find a language partner if you want to learn Japanese yourself. I don’t know if they really want to learn English or if it’s just a sign to date a foreigner. But if you’re not a big talker, that shouldn’t be a problem:

Japanese girls are quite liberal sexually and jump into bed faster than you can say “Konnichiwa” when there is chemistry between you.

Where can I meet Japanese girls?


In the streets, nightclubs, and supermarkets. Just walk around and talk to everyone everywhere. You don’t need to have a fixed opening line because most people don’t understand much English. Ask where the metro station is or something similar. Let’s say your cell phone battery is dead or you don’t have an internet connection or something like that.

For example, if the woman is interested in you, she may ask you where you are from. Then the conversation has started, you ask for her number and the next night she bounces up and down in your bed until the early hours. is a dating site that tries to connect Japanese girls with western men. So you can be sure that the women are interested in foreigners.

Japanese women in Europe?

Japanese people tend to travel a lot in Europe and the Netherlands. Many even live here.

Japanese girls also often travel alone. You might find them on Tinder in the Netherlands. Or just see them on the street staring at a smartphone or a Lonely Planet travel guide while walking.

No, but really: a good way to meet Japanese girls is some kind of international encounter, for example via

How are Japanese girls?

Japan is an interesting combination of conservatism and modernism.

Conservative means they still have clear gender roles in a relationship and marriage.

Modern means that women and men are quite equal in getting an education and having a career. So the women are also independent and earn their own money.

But there are tons of singles in Japan. You may have heard about the stories of men using sex robots in Japan. Or people who live in their tiny houses and only have virtual relationships.

Japan is a strange (in a good way) and interesting country and society.

Anyway, Japanese girls are quite reserved. It is part of Japanese culture to be reserved and not to express oneself as openly and freely as Europeans.

But as said before, Japanese girls are liberal regarding sex. It is not taboo in Japan to come into contact with foreigners. You might find a girl in a nightclub and get her into your bed half an hour later.

And on the other hand, if you’re not much interested in nightlife, there are still many “good girls” in Japan who are looking for a long-term relationship with foreigners. There is something for everyone in Japan.

Do Japanese girls like western men?

Japanese girls and western men are an exciting combination that needs a little more research.

Because usually when a western guy is together with a Thai woman, for example, the first thought is that she is after his money.

But Japan is a rich country where women have their own money.

But still, they are very much interested in western men, either for a one-night stand or long-term relationships. Is it the bigger, more masculine bodies? Bigger cocks? Are hair and eyes other than black? Our bold and “more aggressive” personality? Who knows.

Let’s watch a video. A man asks random Japanese girls on the streets of Tokyo what they think of Western men:


And, are you already packing your bags?

Japan is a good place to have stress-free fun with the local girls. Or you may even be able to find a woman who can be a reliable partner for life.

Do you already have experience dating Japanese girls? Or an opinion on this subject?

Also, read it.